Regular Programs
Riverbend offers the full complement of cores approved and required by Alberta Education. Students study English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, a Second Language (we offer 3), Physical Education, and Health. These courses are offered in each of our three main Programs.
Riverbend students are given the additional opportunity to explore complementary courses of interest. Students select complementary courses after registering, and desired choices are timetabled, pending course availability We endeavor to accommodate student course selections and needs as much as is possible. For specific course information and its related details, please see Course Descriptions, below. All offered courses remain subject to enrollment capacity; and to Riverbend School and EPSB Approval:
Grade Seven
Grade seven students may select one fine arts option between either Art, Theatre & Performance, or Instrumental Music (Band). They also have a partial-year Trimester set of options which will include selections from Food Studies, Construction, Computer Studies and Environmental Outdoor Education (EOE). See the Course Descriptions links below.
Grade Eight
Grade eight students may select their personalized options, complementing their timetable. Option choices at grade eight are scheduled to include:
Art, Drama, Food Studies, Construction, Environmental Outdoor Education (EOE), Instrumental Music (Band), Beginner Guitar, Business & Marketing, Sports Performance (by Application), Health & Fitness, World History, Visual Communications, and Inquiry 8. See the Course Descriptions links below.
Grade Nine
Grade nine students may select their personalized options, complementing their timetable. Option choices at grade nine are scheduled to include:
Art, Drama, Food Studies, Construction, Environmental Outdoor Education (EOE), Leadership, Instrumental Music (Band), Guitar, Visual Communications, Sports Performance (by Application), World History, Health & Fitness, Inquiry 9, and Recreation and Leisure. See the Course Descriptions links below.
CURRENT Elective Course Descriptions 2024-25:
Grade 7 Course Descriptions 2024-25
Grade 8 Course Descriptions 2024-25
Grade 9 Course Descriptions 2024-25
NEXT-YEAR Planned Elective Course Descriptions 2025-26:
Grade 7 Course Descriptions 2025-26
Grade 8 Course Descriptions 2025-26
Grade 9 Course Descriptions 2025-26